Friday, May 2, 2008

A little advice

So next time you take a place from the international terminal at JFK, I don't know, like if you come see me, I have a little advice. Do NOT. I repeat. Do NOT eat at the Wok and whatever it is next to the McDonald's which actually might be a better choice. Because you might eat something that makes you almost faint in the plane. Literally. My blood pressure went kaput and I collapsed onto the guy sitting across from my row. That's never happened before. And of course there's lots of other things contributing here. Leaving my father's country again after his death. Refusing, maybe, on some bodily level, incorporating the idea of him into me. But also having been so well surrounded by yous guys. A couple of months that, as I was recounting them no later than before the theater on Wednesday, were already making me a little dizzy. You know, there's a lot going on that could make you wanna faint.

Hope your last day or two since we said goodbye on 14th street have been a little less uneventful.

xxoo suzanne

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